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Latest Past Events
Latchkey’s 2nd Anniversary
Latchkey Brewing 2120 West Washington Street, San DiegoHelp us celebrate our SECOND year with a day of debauchery... More details to come!
Opening Night – Kinsey Salyers
Latchkey Brewing 2120 West Washington Street, San DiegoJoin us for a fantasy- filled night of macabre and color, music and food on the Opening Night of KINSEY SALYERS T H U R S D A Y M A R C H 1 9 5 - 1 1 p m (Last Call 10:30pm) Help us welcome our March artist, Kinsey, with a solo…
Essential Oil Make & Take Workshop
Latchkey Brewing 2120 West Washington Street, San DiegoHosted by Blissfully Bergamot Oil Co. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/essential-oils-make-and-take-tickets-94071545525 Join us to learn more about our essential oils and how they can benefit you and your family in a fun, hands-on class. EVERY HOME needs essential oils and if you don't have them yet, I want to teach you all about them and how easy they…