Private Events at Latchkey Brewing

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Latchkey’s 2nd Anniversary

Latchkey Brewing 2120 West Washington Street, San Diego

Help us celebrate our SECOND year with a day of debauchery... More details to come!

Opening Night – Kinsey Salyers

Latchkey Brewing 2120 West Washington Street, San Diego

Join us for a fantasy- filled night of macabre and color, music and food on the Opening Night of KINSEY SALYERS T H U R S D A Y M A R C H 1 9 5 - 1 1 p m (Last Call 10:30pm) Help us welcome our March artist, Kinsey, with a solo…

Essential Oil Make & Take Workshop

Latchkey Brewing 2120 West Washington Street, San Diego

Hosted by Blissfully Bergamot Oil Co.   Join us to learn more about our essential oils and how they can benefit you and your family in a fun, hands-on class. EVERY HOME needs essential oils and if you don't have them yet, I want to teach you all about them and how easy they…
